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Evolution Bank
New Horizon Bank PLC
British Pound Coins

About Us

Wholesale and Investment Banking

Every partner, every time!

Whether we are interacting with an individual, a corporation, another financial institution or a government body.


We are a new online wholesale and investment bank for corporations, financial institutions and governments. Down-to-earth, forward looking/sustainable and always on the cutting edge.


The Future Is Now

As an online wholesale and investment bank, we are a strong financial partner who can help our "project partners" achieve their goals, no matter the size or scope of the task. With complementary online digital banking products as well as investment and business banking solutions that are among the best on the market, the New Horizon Bank Trust is true to the motto: The future is now !

By targeting project funding/financing as our primary activity and working on a collaborative basis with our clients we are able to met the needs of our customers at every interaction. "Every customer, every time" remains our standard for making banking easy and consistently delivering a value-added proposition and outcome.


This is a big part of making New Horizon Bank PLC one of the best places to bank and invest.


The New Horizon Bank PLC continually redefines the banking and investing experience in order to improve the way that customers do business with us.

We will continue to do what is right for our partners/customers. They expect solutions that improve their financial well-being and also improve the well being of their end customers, as part of the social contract to which we all contribute. By leveraging our experience, tools, processes and training – as well as our digital experience – we can help make extraordinary things happen and bring a better future closer to reality, now !

One Coin

Our Mission

Down-to-earth and at the same time at the cutting edge. With our own complementary/modern banking products and services that are among the best in the global marketplace. The bank that establishes successful partnerships every time and thus creates long-term sustainable value for each project partner and for their end customers.


To be the premier choice for our Project Partners and Trust Investors worldwide. We aim to give every one of our customers excellent, professional and reliable transparent services every-time!

Our Vision

To be a fiscally responsible independent investment and wholesale bank committed to treating each partner as our key customer so that they achieve their desired objectives and outcomes.

We will always operate with integrity and to a high moral standard.



What Makes Us Unique

We believe that change is inevitable. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt ahead of the curve in order to ensure that our partners are also well equipped to adapt to the constant change happening around us.

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